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제 5 호 Spring Into A New Year, New Semester

  • 작성일 2020-03-20
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 17270


Spring Into A New Year, New Semester

By Sarah Chae, Editor-in-Chief


  Spring gives us a feeling of blooming flowers, love, and a start of something. For example, this is the start for me as the new Editor-in-Chief of the SM Herald. Some of us are taking the first step into Sangmyung University. The rest of us are probably sad or worried because the semester is starting again. 

  The SM Herald is taking some new steps too. In the previous edition’s cover story, we did a check-up on improvements and what needs to be fixed. From now on, the SM Herald has accepted those opinions and is trying our best to write articles that are interesting as well as helpful. We are planning to open an event & information booth if circumstances allow us. Most importantly, in April to May we are going to look for students to work with us, so if you are interested, don’t forget to look out for our recruitment info poster on campus and on our SNS accounts (Everytime, Instagram). 

  The opening of the first semester of 2020 has been postponed. No thanks to the COVID-19, 20% of 2020 has already gone by. What did you do during the extra time? Maybe you made the famous arm-aching ‘Dalgona Coffee’. Did you stay at home and accept the challenge to buy masks that get sold out in seconds on the internet? You might have spent a great time at the movies. Whatever is happening, while on the other side, you might have worried that you might spread the virus yourself. 

  Some of us might feel depressed or anxious by these series of unbelievable events. I cannot say that I am not anxious too. Everything was postponed, delayed, put back… I am worried because I know that time will not wait for us to catch up with everything again. Early blooming flowers might make us feel like we are falling back. However, I believe this unexpected experience has given us a time to spring into 2020 in a new way. I believe that you and me, since we are humans and not flowers, will find a way to spring forward and spend a great year again. 

Sarah Chae, Editor-in-Chief