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제 12 호 The 2021 Liberal Arts and Personality Day

  • 작성일 2021-12-03
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 11136

Kicker: SM NEWS

The 2021 Liberal Arts and Personality Day

By Sol-Hyang Park, Editor-in-chief


  Sangmyung University held "Liberal Arts and Personality Day" from November 22nd  to December 3rd  to share the achievements gained through the liberal arts curriculum, Liberal Arts and Personality class.

  The event held by the Gyedang Cultural Education Center, was opened both offline and online. The offline event was held from 10am to 5pm on the first basement floor of the Seoul Campus “Miraebaeknyeon” Hall.

Sangmyung University's Liberal Arts and Personality curriculum aims to help new students adapt to the school. It is a curriculum conducted by a small group consisting of professors and students through conversations and discussions on academic, life, and values while forming intimate and personal relationships.
The curriculum consists of the following topic : " -maeumsaegim- " to understand and know more about universities, " -maeumchaenggim- " to improve school adaptability and self-understanding through psychological tests, " -maeumnanum- " to learn lessons through lectures by celebrities, and " -maeumeodeum- " to promote cultural literacy through culture and arts.

This offline event shared what was obtained through this mind project in brochures and photos. It also displayed reviews of Liberal Arts and Personality classes. Snacks were provided to 50 first-comers everyday, and an event that took polaroid pictures with Sumungi (Sangmyung University’s mascot- ) was also held.

In particular, the "One Book, One Sangmyung" event is an annual event. Students vote for the books to be recommended, and the selected one will be reflected as a must-read book in the Liberal Arts and Personality class for freshmen in 2022. This year, "The Stranger" was the must-read book and last year was “Demian.”

  In the case of offline events, there were many students participating, and the atmosphere was very lively due to the various events mentioned. It seemed to give and receive good influences between students. I hope there will be more events for students to participate in and appreciate in person in the future.